Rollerski Poles
Select Your Rollerski Poles
The appropriate rollerski poles are crucial for enhancing your roller skiing experience. They not only facilitate propulsion but also serve as an essential tool for balance, helping you maintain control. Key considerations include the rollerski poles' material and length, which should align with your skiing technique and stature.
Determining Rollerski Pole Length
Your choice of rollerski pole length varies based on whether you engage in classic or skating style skiing. Classic rollerski poles should be roughly 30 centimetres shorter than your full height, optimising arm movement. In contrast, skating rollerski poles are ideally about 20 centimetres shorter than your total height as their increased length accommodates the lateral reach of the skating movements.
Materials for Rollerski Poles
Rollerski poles are frequently crafted from carbon, fibreglass or a mix of both. Each material has its own merits and drawbacks. Poles composed entirely of carbon are rigid, lightweight and ensure optimal power transfer from the arms to the pole tip, making them suitable for seasoned rollerskiers and competitors. Poles made of a 50% carbon and 50% fibreglass blend offer greater flexibility, are heavier, and are less prone to breakage than pure carbon poles. This makes them more cost-effective and a preferred option for recreational rollerskiers.
Additional aspects to consider include pole straps, ski pole handles (typically crafted from cork), and replacement tips for ski poles, available in various sizes. For more rollerski pole equipment, feel free to explore our Accessories for Roller Ski Poles.