Complete Surfskates
Understanding Complete Surfskates
Surfskates, also known as surf skateboards or surfboard skateboards, are designed to simulate the experience of surfing on land. Unlike standard skateboards and longboards, surfskates feature a unique truck at the front, allowing for movements that mimic surfing. This allows riders to "pump" without having their foot leave the ground.
A complete surf skateboard arrives fully assembled, enabling you to ride straight away once it is out of the box.
Choosing Your Surfskate Size
Complete surf skates are available in various sizes, typically with decks measuring between 30 and 40 inches in length. Taller individuals are generally advised to opt for longer decks. Additionally, consider your familiarity with surfskating and similar board sports. Shorter surfskates produce tighter turns and are more agile, while longer boards provide improved stability and balance. As a result, beginners might prefer starting with a longer surf skateboard.
Is Surfskating Challenging?
Surfskating stands as its own discipline and serves as an effective method of surf training. It is accessible to people of all skill levels and ages, without requiring prior experience in skateboarding or longboarding. Nonetheless, mastering surfskating requires practice, particularly to develop the balance necessary for safe riding. Bear in mind that surfskating focuses on cruising and enjoyment, so progress at your own pace and embrace those relaxed California surf vibes.
If you are interested in beginning your surfskating journey, don't miss our Surfskating for Beginners Guide.